If you want to reinvent museums, the answer is Museomix. Museomix’s mission is to explore new ways people can make museums their own, encouraging visitors to see museums and their collections in a new light and enabling participants with wide-ranging passions and professions to meet and collaborate. Over three days, Museomix opens a museum to professionals with an array of skills. Museums become playgrounds to experiment and prototype new ways of mediating content and culture. It enables new relations between cultural institutions and users in collaborative projects. At the end of the three days, prototypes are presented to the public. These prototypes are meant to encourage visitors to see museums in a new light, and to enable people to make the museum more their own.
Museomix took place from Friday to Sunday, Nov. 7-9, 2014 for the first time in Switzerland in the heart of the Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève. Over three days Webster Geneva Campusstudents from the Photography Program and the Media Department volunteered to document the event by taking photographs and shooting short video clips. All the material produced has been used for the Museomix social networks, blogs and websites.
The students involved, Anna Arutsiunian, Anna Martynova, Naz Doganci, Carolina Bianchi, Jumanah Abualkhair, Kevin Vachet and Paola Henao, showed their professionality, flexibility and enthusiasm throughout the event. Francesco Arese Visconti, Head of the Photography Program and coordinator of the Webster Geneva Campus Museomix team, said, ”It has been a great experience, exhausting for the students, but absolutely valuable. Our Webster Geneva Campus team had the chance to work in collaboration with professionals of the Media field and in contact with creative people in a very energetic and stimulating environment.”
More info, images, and videos can be found at: museomix.ch/