New Leadership

"Leadership is a journey that requires continuous investment"

The world is changing faster than we can keep up with, and the role of leadership is changing right along with it. Professor Jean Paul van Marissing, director of Webster University Leiden, has an inspiring vision on new leadership in a new world. Leadership is a broad concept. You don’t have to be a director or a team leader – leadership can be demonstrated in every kind of situation. ‘The key is that people follow you’,  Prof. van Marissing explains. As chairman of the board of a law firm and a diplomat in Brussels, van Marissing has gained leadership experience in various walks of life. In his view, leadership is a journey that requires perpetual investment.


According to Prof. van Marissing, the world has changed dramatically over the last ten years. Internet and social media have made us all more connected than ever before. This has its major impact on the role of  the leader. Everything has accelerated, creating massive pressures. There is less time to respond and we’re expected to act immediately. Social media have also left us much more vulnerable, by putting people under a huge magnifying glass that forces them to be cautious .


 ‘The key is that people follow you’


According to van Marissing, the essential thing is to stay true to yourself. ‘Continually ask yourself: What are my standards and values? At Webster University, we have formulated our own principles of leadership. These principles lead all of our interactions. We treat each other with respect, and every opinion counts, no matter where you stand. Organizations would do well to cultivate these principles too. With all we have to deal with every day, these principles may help you make the right choices.'



The Webster Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the perfect answer for professionals who want to shape their own leadership journey. Webster University’s location in the World Trade Center makes it the ideal place for working professionals in Amsterdam.

 Read the full article: here